Sustainable Living 2023

120 Sustainable Living - 2023 catalogue ECO•DIED ROLL DM23110 ECO•DIED BIZ DM23112 ECO•DYED R-PET backpacks Eco dyeing involves adding pigment direcly to the molten plastic solution before the fiper is made. Conventional batch-dyeing processes (using synthetic dyes) require a tremendous amount of water and energy, resulting in waste and carbon emissions. We switched to Eco dyed, an approach that can result in up to 87% reduction in water use and 58% CO₂ savings overall compared to batch-dyeing, with considerably fewer chemicals released from the overall process. -87% H2O -58% CO2 in the production of ECO DYED polyester compared with virgin dyed polyester fabric. in the production of ECO DYED polyester compared with virgin dyed polyester fabric. PET bottles ECO•DYED R-PET fabric clean and shred Dye while spinning